A Slow Flight to India – Day 6 – Visiting Ahmedabad

Greetings from Ahmedabad, Gujarat !

Today we could finally sleep out and have a good breakfast. A whole day of plain old tourism awaited us in this bustling city in northwest India. This is also the city of Mahatma Gandhi, and that we would discover.

The crew first started with a visit to the Dandi Kutir, a salt cone structure containing a large museum dedicated to Gandhi legacy. We also roamed around in the community he built, his Sabarmati Ashram.

Ahmedabad now counts more than 6 million people but its oldest structure dates back from the 15th century : a beautiful well carving deep into the ground. We topped the day of with a visit to the Science City, a worn down dusty smelly entertainment park around science : the real charm of India 😉

By now you might be wondering how I ended up here in India. Well it is a long and slow story, but it started with meeting Sam Rutherford Theferrypilot from Prepare2Go at a posh event in Brussel with his son Macksolo and daughter Zara Rutherford who both hold the record of having rounded the earth solo in a small aircraft as the youngest pilots. I told him about our last year trip to the USA, and through involvement of Lieven Bertels 🙏, I got offered the opportunity to help ferrying 3 small diesel engined Piper Archers from its factory in Florida to the flight training organisation here in India. In a crew of 6 pilots for 3 aircraft, I could pick in on the ferry flight from Belgium onwards through Hungary, Greece, Egypt, Kuwait, Oman all the way to Ahmedabad … where I am now.

How the trip went ? I’ll tell you in upcoming posts. Stay tuned !

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