The IFR Long Navigation Flight
In the build-up of 40 hours of intsrument flying time as a preparation to my Instrument Rating, I need to perform a long navigation flight of > 250 NM, whereby Continue Reading →
In the build-up of 40 hours of intsrument flying time as a preparation to my Instrument Rating, I need to perform a long navigation flight of > 250 NM, whereby Continue Reading →
I am getting close to 30 hours of the required 40 hours of instrument time required to do my practical exam for my instrument rating. Today I planned and filed Continue Reading →
A friend of mine owns a Cessna 172 RG (with retractable gear). The plane also features a 180 HP engine, variable prop and cowl flaps, putting it into the ‘complex’ Continue Reading →
When I just earned my PPL license in Malaysia, I was told I should learn more Bush Pilot skills. Together with my instructor Lokman back then, and with another wannabe-bush-pilot, Continue Reading →
Eventjes een vliegtuigje gehuurd om boven noord Sydney (Australië) te vliegen. Dit is een zicht op mijn vorig kantoor (rechts beneden), met het centrum van Sydney in de verte. Dit Continue Reading →
Greg en Adeline zijn twee vrienden uit Maleisië die we via Lieven en Catherine, andere vrienden uit België, hebben leren kennen. Ik nam ze mee voor een toertje rond KL. Continue Reading →
“Simpang, Tango Oscar Papa on 126 decimal 5, how do you read?” “Tango Oscar Papa, reading you five by five, go ahead” “Request start-up for Romeo 236, 2 POB, endurance Continue Reading →
I started flying for fun when I was 29 years old. I never had any intention to make it into a career. I just wanted to experience the unique combination Continue Reading →