In my progress to obtain professional pilot licenses, I decided to embark in training for the Commercial Pilot License (CPL) in the fall of 2018. I had previously done the theoretical knowledge of the ATPL and the VFR multi-engine (ME) rating.

The CPL calls for 15 hours of practical training in actual airplanes to learn to fly and navigate more precisely: to the level of a commercial pilot: more precision and control in landing, keeping altitude, heading, speed. Also, you learn to navigate to small locations on the ground without making use of GPS.

A CPL allows you to take up pilot duties against payment. It is not my intention to go fly for airlines, but rather go for the Flight Instructor license later on, and to pick up some, part-time flying jobs after work hours.
I choose to train for my CPL with Ostend Air College on the Ostend airport (EBOS). They are not only close to my workplace, but they also have a solid reputation.

It took some time to do all the practical flying in between work. This school is really targetted at ab-initio ATPL students, and squeezing me in with my busy work schedule proved to be a challenge, but it all worked out,and I passed my checkride.